We are capable of modifying natural space energy through our advanced technology and implementing it into the life of modern society.
Our goal is to develop a range of products based on the unique knowledge and discoveries made by Ruben Papian over the last thirty years.
Papian EZO guitars
Papian Ezo is integrating new, metaphysical flaws into art pieces. The result of such creation is called Ezo Art. First flash of that art are Sound Sculptures.
Musical instrument with alchemical sound - a sculpture and painting at the same time. A difficult combination indeed where one element impacts another.
Energy Space Architecture
Dobrodošli u novu evoluciju arhitekture – Energy Space Architecture (ESA). Kuća Energy Space Architecture je prototip kuće koja rezonuje sa unutrašnjim
stanjem svog vlasnika.
U trenutku kada vlasnik uđe u kuću, spoljašnja „buka“ utihne i energija privatnosti, zaštite,
čistoće i udobnosti počinje da ga okružuje.
Preuzmite prezentaciju OVDE
Papian Botanica predstavlja novi koncept progresivnog suplementa. Mi verujemo da sreća počinje iznutra. Zbog toga je naš životni cilj bio da razvijemo proizvod koji vam pomaže da dostignete savršen balans
između tela, osećanja i uma.
Bez obzira da li biste želeli da imate više energije, izgubite tih par viška kilograma ili jednostavno da stalno zračite pozitivnom energijom, naši inovativni i napredni suplementi su ovde da ispune vaše specifične potrebe.
Preuzmite prezentaciju OVDE
The luxury consumer segment has been growing rapidly for years with no sign of slowing down,
resulting in an expansion of the global luxury goods industry. Consumers are constantly looking for that one exclusive item or experience. Despite the expansion of the industry, uniqueness and innovation are an extreme rarity.
Approximately 72 million people currently play the guitar.
On average, a guitar lover owns 7 to 8 guitars. it is safe to say that, by definition, guitar lovers are collectors.
For this group of people or those seeking exclusivity and rarity, Papian Ezo Guitars is introducing
the luxury goods consumer to a new generation of guitars.
The guitar that is just as much alive as the guitar lover playing it.
Download the presentation HERE
Well-being is what we are all looking for. “3 PLANETS EZO SPA CENTER” is a 3000m2 space offering special
treatments meant for those seeking a new life experience, rejuvenation,
ideal emotional balance and a transcendental mind. But, what about time, as the most crucial part of well being?
Just one drop of a substance called time into the mixture of well-being and our fantasy about long lasting youth,
vital spirit, even immortality could be grasped.
Welcome to the 21st century! It is the time for the secret recipe to be revealed. A new circle of human evolution has just begun. Life is no longer as it was before. If you wish, you can step into a New Life, which is OFF OF THIS PLANET.
And now the process of creating new life begins.
Download the presentation HERE